First 30-minute trial lesson is free (at Cadenza Music Studio location only).
Lessons are paid in full monthly (due first week of the month).
$15 late fee assessed beginning on the 8th of each month.
If joining midmonth, student will pay a prorated amount before resuming monthly payments the following month.
Cadenza Music Studio accepts payment through cash (preferred), check, and venmo. No credit or debit card payments accepted
Attendance and Cancellation
If student cancels lesson 24+ hours in advance, the missed lesson can be rescheduled for a make-up lesson (dependent on mutual student/teacher availability) Only one missed lesson may be rescheduled.
If student cancels lesson less than 24 hours in advance or with no notice, the missed lesson will not be refunded or rescheduled.
Please contact the teacher if the student cannot make the lessons on time or has to miss due to an unexpected emergency (ill, family emergency, etc.) ASAP, so a make-up lesson can be scheduled for a later time.
If student has to miss a long period time of lessons (summer vacations, sick leave, etc.), the missed lessons won't be charged, but the same time slot won't be guaranteed when resuming lessons again.
If a lesson has to be canceled due to the weather or the teacher's own reason, the missed lesson will be either rescheduled or credited to the next month.
Monthly payments secure that time slot for the student with the teacher.
General Courtesies
Be on time for lessons and bring all needed materials.
Lessons only take place when the student is present and for the time the student is scheduled for. If the student arrives late for a lesson, the missed time will not be made up.
To help the student maintain focus and follow instructions, parents are welcome to sit in for the first lesson, but not encouraged for later lessons.
Each private lesson is designed for a single student. Please do not bring other children or students to the lesson without communicating to the teacher first.
The teacher does not have the responsibility to watch the student after the lesson if the parent/guardian is not there to pick them up.